President | Vice President | Secretary-treasurer |
Fred R. Brison | Dallas Telford | J. Benton Storey |
602 S. Dexter | P. O. Box 1045 | Drawer CC |
College Station, Texas | DeKalb, Texas | College Station, Texas |
District I | District 2 | District 3 |
Tabb Harrell | Warren Wells | B. B. Freeman |
Austin, Texas | Arlington, Texas | Ranger, Texas |
Charles Kothmann, Jr. | Felix W. Callahan | Larry Womack |
Menard, Texas | Denton, Texas | De Leon, Texas |
District 4 | At-Large |
Raymond F. Davis | John B. Harris |
Seguin, Texas | Hamilton, Texas |
Gilbert T. Heidemann | James E. Anthony |
Cuero, Texas | Fort Worth, Texas |

Standing, left to right, Tabb Harrell, Charles Kothmann, Jr., Felix W.
Callahan, Larry Womack, B. B. Freeman and Raymond F. Davis. Seated,
left to right, Dallas Telford, F. R. Brison and J. Benton Storey.