Pecan Nutrition

Why Pecans are the Perfect Snack for Women Over 50

Pecan Nutrition

I used to overcomplicate snacking. I’d buy all the latest “healthy” options, only to find them sitting in my pantry, untouched. They either tasted like cardboard, had a long list of ingredients I couldn’t pronounce, or left me feeling unsatisfied. See why pecans are the perfect snack for women over 50.

How Healthy Are Pecans?

Pecan Nutrition
Pecan nuts are one of the most sought nuts because they’re delicious, packed with loads of healthy minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and also healthy fats. Pecans can be eaten raw, roasted, candied, toasted or even put in your favorite smoothie. At Millican Pecan situated in San Saba, Texas, we bring to your table a variety of pecans, straight from our orchard and they include varieties such as San Saba Improved, Texas Prolific, Onliwon, just to name a few. Some of the top products that you can enjoy include fresh pecan halvesTexas pecan pie and pecan gift baskets.

Are Pecans Healthy?

Pecan Nutrition
Are Pecans Healthy?Going nuts trying to decipher medical jargon and whether or not nuts are as healthy as they claim to be? But what about the fat?...

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