Agriculture has always been a passion of mine. I have always loved being outdoors and knew from an early age that I wanted to be a farmer. Driving a tractor hour after hour never sounded boring and never seemed to get old. I remember the first tractor job I had was shredding a 125 acre field on an open top tractor. It must have made good memories of the time spent in the field because I don’t remember the weeds, heat or the dust. Now that I am older, I still find myself in the cab of a newer model still dreaming of the next big crop! Weather in the field or in the orchards, farming is in my blood. Even after the 2011 drought, I was still planning on the next crop to plant or the next pecans to take care of.
My Passion for Growing Pecans
Growing pecans is my favorite thing to grow beside kids. I guess this is due to the fact that I didn’t plant them and they will be here long after I am gone. The longevity of the trees gives me a great responsibility to take care of them and to leave them in better condition than I found them. If they are neglected for a year, it might be reflected in my income for several years. It is very rewarding to take care of and nurture a pecan orchard. Irrigating, shredding and keeping the orchard raked up gives me pride in my work. I think of it as yard work except on a much larger scale.
Another great thing about growing pecans is the fellowship we have during harvest. Family and employees that have become friends always gather around the campfire during harvest to eat a hot meal. The majority of the time, an elaborate spread, prepared by my uncle Deen, will be enjoyed in the orchards. Everyone knows that when you smell smoke a good meal is not far off. It is amazing that anything cooked over a hot bed of coals (pecan hickory wood, of course!) always taste better!
Above all, a life in agriculture is not for everyone. With the adverse weather that we have experienced the last few years, you have got to rely on something larger and grander than yourself. God is in control and without faith in him, this would be just an unfulfilling job, not a calling.
-Winston Millican
Great family going back to their grandparents and uncles like poley.
One of my best 7th 8th grade teachers
Do love your pecans and etc .
We’ll said Winston. Most folks don’t understand farming and why you work so hard and are not sure of the outcome until it is on the trailer, and you can’t controlled the Price you get then. Keep up the good work.