Section One---The name of this Association shall be the Texas Pecan Growers Association.
Section two---The purpose of this Association shall be to encourage pecan culture and promote the best interest of the pecan growers of the State of Texas.
Section Three---The Officers of this Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and eight Directors. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors. The President shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Section Four---All of the Officers and members of the Board of Directors of this Association shall be elected by a majority at the meeting of the Association. The officers shall hold office for a period of one year from and after their election, and until their successors is elected and qualified. The directors shall hold their offices for two years, the terms of four of the eight terminating annually.
Section Five---The date of the annual meeting of the Association shall be the second Tuesday in July of each year, provided however, that in case of the occurrence of some event which in the opinion of the Board of Directors would make it inadvisable to hold the annual meeting of the Association on such date, the Board of Directors are hereby authorized to fix a different date for the holding of said annual meeting for such year which shall not be later than the second Tuesday in August of said year.
Section Six---The place for holding the annual meeting of the Association shall be determined each year by the majority vote of the members of the Association present and voting at the meeting, provided only that each meeting shall be held successively in one of the several sections to be designated by a committee appointed for this purpose.
Section Seven---The duties of the Officers and Board of Directors of this Association shall be such as usually devolve upon such Officers and Directors of similar associations. The place of meeting in 1928 will be designated as District 1.
Section Eight---The annual dues to be paid to this Association by its members shall be $3.00, except that workers employed in either National or State research, Extension workers, and teachers of agriculture shall be granted regular membership upon payment of $1.50.
Section Nine---The Association may, upon the nomination of the Board of Directors, vote at each annual meeting, a medal to some person for distinguished services in the encouragement and promotion of pecan culture, which will entitle the holder thereof to life membership in the Association.
Section Ten---This constitution may be amended by the vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at any annual meeting, pro-vided however, that any proposed amendment shall be in writing and signed by at least three members and introduced and read at one regular session of said annual meeting and shall not be voted upon until a subsequent regular session of such annual meeting.
Section Eleven---The President at each meeting shall name a Nominating Committee of five who shall recommend suitable persons to fill all offices for the ensuing year, but additional nominations to all offices may be made from the floor.