Jamesway Pecan Harvester & Pecan Cleaners

Jamesway Pecan Harvester and Pecan Cleaner

Pecan Research


Harvested this Easy Way!!

Jamesway Pecan Cleaner and Harvester



James-Way new pecan-nut harvesters load in sacks or trailers up to 8,000 pounds nuts per day, 97% clean---self-propelled or pull-type. Nut-cleaners shuck, clean and sack 10,000 to 20,000 pounds per day. Vibrator-trunk-shake up to 500 trees per day! Special limb shakers.


Why the Pecan-Nut World Looks to James-Way



  • James-Way's Standards of perfection in design, performance, and durability assure lower price, lower upkeep, and higher profits.


  • All pecan-nut shakers, pickers and cleaners well researched, field-tested, and fully guaranteed-fast and efficient service provided.


  • James-Way research and engineering team designed pecan-nut ma-chines for high mobility and easy transportation from job to job---unmatched by any other.


Call or write


James-Way Equipment Company

P.O.BOX 1349 Wichita Falls, Texas 76307


Phone: A. C. 817,723-1166


The Company that Merchandized the Bermudagrass Industry

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