Texas Pecan Growers Association
Secretary's Report
This year can truly be called a year of progress for we have initiated a number of new innovations. The Regional Pecan Shows were established and con-ducted for the first time in December of 1966. The South Texas Regional Show was conducted in San Antonio, The West Texas Regional Show at Abilene, and The Central Texas Regional Show at Fort Worth. Approximately 3500 entries from the 1966 crop were reduced to 385 in the 1966 State Show conducted at the Green Oaks Inn in Fort Worth in July 1967. This procedure was considered superior by everyone concerned to the 1965 Show which contained 1,027 entries. The quality was considered to be better in the 1966 Show because of the double screening that took place.
The Texas Pecan Queen Pageant is making its debut at this annual conference as a result of a rule change which now selects the queen on the basis of poise, personality, and similar characteristics. The old rule of allowing the county queen from the winning county at the State Show to become the State Queen is no longer in effect.
The first issue of The Pecan Quarterly was published in May of 1967. We have received many compliments on this first issue. For example, one grower from Georgia wrote "I have been waiting thirty years for a publication like this." We welcome suggestions of all kinds about the Quarterly for we want to make it a magazine on pecans for the entire nation. Indeed, there is no other national publication on pecans, so this Association has a unique opportunity to proceed with all haste and dignity in filling this gap. About 2,000 copies of the May issue have been mailed to the membership as well as to prospective subscribers throughout the nation. One hundred seventy-six subscriptions to The Pecan Quarterly have been received within one month after mailing of this first issue. This is in addition to the regular members who pay for the Quarterly as a part of their dues. This means that about\$375.00 have been received from new people whom we have never contacted before through the old Texas Pecan News and the Proceedings. We expect this number to grow considerably in the weeks and months ahead. Homeowners with one or two trees profit from reading The Pecan Quarterly. We now have subscribers as far north as the state of Massachusetts.
$235 have been received from our own members over and above their regular dues payment because they are enthusiastic enough to give us this extra boost at a time when publication costs are high.
The 1966 Proceedings were mailed on July 5 so you should have received them by now. We want to thank the Capital Printing Company, Austin, for doing another excellent job in printing. Copies of the 1966 Proceedings are available for $2.50 each.
Subscriptions to The Pecan Quarterly are solicited in all manner of ways. For example, you may wish to send copies to friends who may even have only a passing interest in pecans but who would enjoy reading this magazine because of its clarity and uniqueness.
Our 1966-67 President, Dr. James E. Anthony, of Fort Worth is to be congratulated on the excellent leadership that he has given the Association during this past year. He has supported the Quarterly in every conceivable way and has actually been the moving force that helped bring it into existence. In doing this, he followed the example of 1965-66 President, John B. Harris of Hamilton, who originally conceived the idea of the Quarterly. President Anthony has been active in working with the legislature in securing funds for pecan research and extension activities. The delicious dinner at Dr. and Mrs. Anthony's home last night was an example of the genuine concern and dedication that he has exhibited throughout the year. Jim also deserves full credit for the credit card applications mailed to your wives by Neiman-Marcus.
Mrs. Dorothy Holland, who is serving as our Associate Editor, has done a tremendous job with the Quarterly in that she has been able to give it that pro-fessional touch which yours truly could never have managed. Mr. Bob Cullen de-serves high praise for his art work in designing the title cut as well as many of the column headings in the Quarterly. His drawings in the inlay grafting article are superb.
We have established the secretary's office in a newly constructed study at the home of the secretary. Mrs. Storey has been doing a great deal of the typing and bookkeeping and has actually composed many of the letters which you have received.
Dr. John M. Ellis, physician at Mt. Pleasant, has some very interesting information about the use of pecans in the diet. He is our keynoter on this conference where we will be studying the use of pecans. Many other uses and problems in handling pecans will be discussed during the conference. Harvesting and other papers will make a total of 17 to be presented at this conference. The many commercial exhibitions at their exhibits in the hall help make this an important conference for us all. We have considered the commercial exhibits to be so significant that we have set aside a special time during the middle of the day so that we may give adequate notice to these commercial exhibits. At the time of the barbecue and commercial exhibits at one of Mr. Leonard's orchards, the ladies will be attending the ladies luncheon at Neiman-Marcus where a style show will be presented and our queen contestants honored.
An analysis of our membership is as follows:
COUNTY Membership
Dallas ……………………………………………………………………………………33
Travis ……………………………………………………………………………………26
San Saba ………………………………………………………….……………………21
Tarrant ………………………………………………………………………………….21
Harris ……………………………………………………………………………………20
Guadalupe ……………………………………….……………………………………17
Bexar …………………………………………………………………………………….17
Total, Life, Regular, Contributing, and Sustaining Membership in Texas
(an increase of 39 over last year) …………………………………………………….......492
Membership in 25 other states (an increase of 10 over last year) .……….................75
Membership in 5 other countries (an increase of 4 over last year) .........................20
Total regular, life, sustaining, and contributing membership (an
increase of 53 over last year) ....................................................................587
Honorary membership (an increase of 6 over last year) ………………………………………70
Courtesy membership (an increase of 127 over last year) ……………………………......216
County Extension agents .......................................................................................243 Other Extension personnel ……………………………………………….....................................15
Total on roll (an increase of 174 over last year) ……………………………………………….1131
Life members:
James Anthony O. S. Gray, Sr.
Fred Brison John Hutchison
Elmo Cook A. H. Krezdorn
- M. Cooper Henry New
- T. Evers J. L. Rainey E. Guy Risien
Contributing members:
- R. Allison Co. Bob Moriarity
Newell Atkinson H. C. Pape
- D. Baines, Jr. Charles N. Prothro
Ray Bass L. D. Romberg
Ing. Crisoforo Cabellero B. Schuster Farms, Inc.
Carrie Crouch Taber Shelton
- M. Doerfler C. H. Smithson
- C. Duval Dallas Telford
Gulf Coast Bag & Bagging Co. Elijah W. Thompson
Hurricane Steel Ind. Co. Roland Wiley
Milton T. Harber The Woldert Co., Inc.
John B. Harris Larry Womack
- D. Jenkins George W. Yarbro
- C. Laake B. B. Freeman
E.H.(Casey) Logan Mrs. Blythe W. Schulze
- B. Martin, Jr. J. D. Cobb
Sustaining members:
Ross Forbus Kenneth Suggs
Ray Peeler, Jr. Timberland Saw Co.
Shock Wave Shaker, Inc. Warren Wells
A course in advanced Orchard Management was taught on the graduate level for nine county agricultural agents and one other extension employee the first 3 weeks of this past June. Our schedule continued for 3 weeks at the rate of 8 hours per day for 5 days per week. Those who assisted me with this course were B. G. Hancock, Hollis H. Bowen, and E. T. Graham.
A Budding and Grafting Shortcourse was conducted for 30 Vocational Agri-culture teachers during 3 days of the months of June.
A Native Pecan Improvement Shortcourse will be conducted on July 25, 26, and 27. You are encouraged to sign up for this in the lobby.
A Pecan Orchard Management Shortcourse will be conducted at Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, August 1, 2, and 3. Mr. Horace Van Cleave, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, will be assisting me with this shortcourse.
A 1-week problems course carrying 2 hours of graduate credit will be con- ducted for county agricultural agents the first week in December of this year.
The James Fears Rosborough Scholarship still needs contributions to the principal. For this scholarship to begin functioning now, the Texas Pecan Growers Association has placed $100 into the income fund which added to the annual interest will amount to a $200 scholarship to be awarded to an undergraduate student in Horticulture this fall at Texas A&M University. Those interested in this scholarship should write to me in care of the Horticulture Section, Department of Soil & Crop Sciences, and Texas A&M University.
Treasurer's Report
We started the year with$2,509.99 and ended with$844.24.When the fact is considered that two issues of the Proceedings and the Quarterly were published during this period of time one can easily see the reason for the difference in our financial status. The $2,509.99 which we started with included dues collected for the 1965 Proceedings that was published last Christmas. We still have $700 coming on 1966 Proceedings ads for which this office has not had sufficient time to send out bills.

Miss Jane Sterner was select-ed 1967 San Saba County Pecan Queen at the 1966 San Saba County Pecan Show
Texas Pecan Growers Association
Financial Statement
July I, 1966-June 30, 1967
Balance on hand July 1, 1966 ................................................................. $2,509.99
Balance Due or
Budget Received (Received More
Than Expected)
Membership Dues 1966-67 ……….. $2,876.00 $2,958.50 ($ 82.50)
Membership Dues 1967-68 ………… 54.50 (54.50)
1966 Conference
Banquet …………………………. 660.00 660.00
Inertia Nut Crackers ………. 206.00 206.00
Coffee ………………………….... 28.70 28.70
Commercial Exhibits
Instant Shade Trees ………. 50.00 50.00
Gould Bros., Inc. ……………. 50.00 50.00
Destruxol Corp, Ltd. …….... 50.00 50.00
Inertia Nut Cracker …………. 50.00 50.00
Texas Pecan Nursery ………. 50.00 50.00
Metal Masters Machine Shop …... 50.00 50.00
Thompson-Hayward Chem. Co. .. 50.00 50.00
Phelps Fan Mfg. Co. ………… 50.00 50.00
Simon J. Burg …………………… 50.00 50.00
Shock Wave Shaker, Inc. …. 50.00 50.00
-------------- -------------
$1,394.70 $1,394.70
1967 Conference
Commercial Exhibits
Texas Pecan Nursery ….. 50.00 (50.00)
Continental Moss-Gordin .. 50.00 (50.00)
Fruit Machinery Co. ….… 50.00 (50.00)
James-Way Equipment Co. .. 50.00 (50.00)
------------- ------------- ------------- $ 200.00 ($ 200.00)
Proceeding Ads 1963
American Cyanamid …………. 4.17 4.17
Proceeding Ads 1964
American Cyanamid …………. 25.00 25.00
Gould Bros., Inc. ……………….. 40.00 40.00
------------ -------------
$ 65.00 $ 65.00
Proceeding Ads 1965
Gulf Coast Bag and Bagging
Co., Inc. ………………..……... $ 20.00 $ 20.00
Balance Due or
Budget Received (Received More
Than Expected)
A.M.Leonard ……………………… 15.00 15.00
Womack's Nursery ……........... 15.00 15.00
Gold Kist ……………………………. 43.20 43.00
Funsten ……………………………… 35.00 35.00
Simon Burg ………………………… 35.00 35.00
Sunshine Pecan Co. ……………. 15.00 15.00
Aldridge Nursery ………………… 15.00 15.00
Ramacher …………………………… 35.00 35.00
Chemagro Corp. …………………. 70.00 70.00
- S. Gray …………………………… 20.00 20.00
Potts Mist Blower ………………. 39.80 39.80
Thompson-Hayward Co. ..…… 25.30 25.30
Humble Oil & Refining Co. ….. 20.00 20.00
Gould Bros., Inc. …………………. 39.55 39.55
Ag. & Ind. Spray Equipt. ……… 20.00 20.00
American Cyanamid …………… 35.00 35.00
Forestry Suppliers, Inc. ……….. 43.05 43.05
Rubenstein Foods, Inc. ……………………. 20.00
---------- ---------- ------------
$560.90 $451.35 $ 109.55
Proceeding Ads 1966
Phelps Fan Mfg. Co. …………….. 35.00 35.00
Simpson Nurseries, Inc. ………. 35.00 35.00
Womack's Nurseries ……………. 15.00 15.00
Ramacher …………………………….. 35.00 35.00
Aldridge Nursery ………………….. 15.00 15.00
Ag. & Ind. Spray Equipment …. 20.00 20.00
- E. Fricke Co. ……………………….. 20.00 20.00
- S. Gray ……………………………… 20.00 20.00
Potts Mist Blower …………………. 35.00 35.00
Simon, J. Burg ………………………. 35.00 35.00
Forestry Suppliers ………………… 35.00 35.00
Gulf Coast Bag and
Bagging Co. ……………… 20.00 20.00
- M. Leonard ………………………. 15.00 15.00
Union Carbide ………………………. 35.00 35.00
American Cyanamid ……………… 35.00 35.00
Thompson-Hayward Chem. Co. 20.00 20.00
Chemagro Corp. ……………………. 70.00 70.00
Gould Bros., Inc. …………………… 35.00 35.00
Harris Hidden Valley …………….. 20.00 20.00
Wolf Nurseries ……………………… 50.00 50.00
Spillyard ……………………………….. 15.00 15.00
- E. Meyers …………………………. 50.00 50.00
Proceeding Ads 1966(Continued)
Meyer Machine Co. ……………… 50.00 50.00
Balance Due or
Budget Received (Received More
Than Expected)
Continental Moss-Gordin …. 35.00 35.00
Funsten ……......................... 35.00 35.00
Laredo Garden …………………. 15.00 15.00
----------- -------------- --------------
$ 800.00 $ 100.00 $ 700.00
Show Awards & Expenses 1966
Ara Bros. …………………………… 50.00 50.00
Union Carbide …….……………. 100.00 100.00
National Pecan Shellers
& Processors ……….. 350.00 350.00
- F. Hutches …………………….. 50.00 50.00
Red Barn Chem. Co. ……..…… 100.00 100.00
- B. Bagley & Son ..……….…. 50.00 50.00
Kimble County ..………………… 11.00 11.00
Guadalupe County ………..….. 11.00 11.00
San Saba County ……………….. 11.00 11.00
Eastland County …………...…… 11.00 11.00
Coryell County …………………… 11.00 11.00
Tom Green County ………..….. 11.00 11.00
Lee County …………….………….. 11.00 11.00
Milam County …………….……... 11.00 11.00
Comanche County ….………….. 11.00 11.00
Bastrop County …………….….... 11.00 11.00
Dewitt County …………..……….. 11.00 11.00
Hood County ……………..……….. 11.00 11.00
Gonzales County …………….….. 11.00 11.00
Brown County …………….……... 11.00 11.00
Travis County …………….……….. 11.00 11.00
Menard County …………….….... 11.00 11.00
Pecan Sales …………….………….. 41.25 (41.25)
Fayette County …………….…….. 11.00 11.00
Wilbarger County ……………….. 11.00 11.00
Sources Not Planning to Pay .. 61.00 61.00
------------ ------------ -------------
$ 970.00 $ 928.25 $ 41.75
Poster Sales ……………………….………..….. 16.30 16.30
Ads in Texas Pecan News
John B. Harris ……………..………. 9.50 9.50
- F. Hutches ………………………. 15.00 15.00
1966 State Fair
National Pecan Shellers and
Processors Assn ….….. 115.00 115.00
John B. Harris ……………..………. $ 51.00 $ 57.00 ($ 6.00)
Reprints in 1964 Proceedings ….……….. 62.52 62.52
Balance Due or
Budget Received (Received More
Than Expected)
Reprints in 1965 Proceedings ……….. 25.00 (25.00)
Reprints in May 1967 Quarterly ……. 55.00 55.00
Proceedings Sales …………………………. 80.00 104.00 (24.00)
Recipes for Regional Shows
Leonard Farm ……………..…… 125.00 125.00
- F. Rosborough
Scholarship Fund ……………… 27.00 34.00 (7.50)
Ads in The Pecan Quarterly
May Issue
James-Way Equipment Co. . $ 150.00 $ 150.00
American Cyanamid …………. 120.00 120.00 18.00
Thompson-Hayward Chem. Co. …. 120.00 120.00
Chemagro Corp. …..…………… 120.00 120.00
Hidden Valley Store …….……. 85.00 85.00
Rubenstein Foods, Inc. ……… 30.00 30.00
- F. Hutches …………….………. 12.00 12.00
Gould Bros., Inc. ..…………..… 120.00 120.00
---------- ---------- -----------
$ 757.00 $ 138.00 $ 619.00
August Issue
James-Way Equipment Co. . $ 150.00 (150.00)
Dave-Built …………………………. 60.00 (60.00)
210.00 (210.00)
November Issue
James-Way Equipment Co. . $ 150.00 (150.00)
Pecan Quarterly Sales ……………………. 7.60 (7.60)
Pecan Quarterly Subscriptions ………. 610.00 610.00
Miscellaneous ……………………….………. 6.15 6.15
---------- ---------- -----------
$ 8,090.24 $ 8,298.04 $ 207.080
Balance Due or
Budget Spent (over spent)
1965 Show Awards ……………..………… $ 5.40 $ 5.40
1966 Conference Expenses
Change ……………………………... 20.00 20.00
Banquet ….………………………... 660.00 660.00
Flowers ……………………..……... 20.19 20.19
Coffee ……………….……………... 28.70 28.70
Bus …………………………….……... 30.00 30.00
Commercial Exhibit
Space rent …….……... 154.50 154.50
Commercial Exhibit
Decoration …………... 306.00 306.00
Program …………………….……... 92.41 92.41
Name Badge ……………………... 9.10 9.10
Miscellaneous …………………... 6.69 6.69
-------------- ------------
$ 1,327.59 $1,327.59
Balance Due or
Budget Spent (over spent)
1966 Show Awards & Expenses ..… 883.30 868.73 14.57
Post Office Box Rent …………………… 12.00 22.50 (10.50)
Stamps ……………………………............ 220.36 215.26 5.10
Mailing Permit …………………........... 230.00 185.00 45.00
Telegrams ………………………............ 50.00 55.80 (5.80)
Telephone ………………………............ 50.00 66.09 (16.09)
Student Labor ……………….………...... 50.00 180.17 (130.17)
Office Supplies ……………….….…...... 250.00 239.69 10.31
Office Equipment & Repair ……….. 70.00 100.11 (30.11)
Mimeograph Expenses …. 52.50 (52.50)
Recipes ….................................... 250.55 250.55
Texas Agri. Extension Service for
Mimeograph Expenses …. 150.00 150.00
Wallace Printing Company
1967 Conf. Invitation
1966 Texas State Fair …………………. 232.75 232.75
Typing Expense
Mrs. Rosie LoBello ………… $ 250.00 $343.50 ($ 93.50)
Typing Expense
Mrs.Marie Storey ………..… $ 459.40 602.80 (143.40)
Reprints 1965 Proceedings ..………. 20.69 (20.69)
Reprints May 1967 Quarterly …….. 52.58 (52.58)
Mrs. Dorothy Holland
Associate Editor …………….. 800.00 800.00
Benton Storey
Secretary-Treasurer …..….. 250.00 250.00
1965 Proceedings ……………………….. 1,331.87 1,331.87
1966 Proceedings ……………………….. 1,400.00 1,399.08 .02
Flowers for Deceased …………………. 10.86 10.86
Dues refund because of
Overpayment …………………. 5.00 2.50 2.50
Incentive Payments to County
Associations ……..……………. 4.00 (4.00)
Leonards for Pecan Bowl Expt. …... 250.00 250.00
- F. Rosborough Scholarship Fund . 127.00 134.50 (7.50)
Refund on Quarterly Subscription
to Members ……………………. 4.00 (4.00)
Quarterly (May 1967 Issue) …….….. 728.00 884.53 (156.53)
Quarterly (Postage for May 1967
Issue) ………..……………………. 149.94 (149.94)
State Sales Tax …………………………….. 7.07 20.80 (13.73)
---------- ---------- -----------
$ 9,401.15 $ 9,963.79 ($ 562.64)
Cash on hand July 1, 1966 ……………………………………………………………………… $2,509.09 Total Receipts ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 8,298.04
Total Disbursements ................................................................................... 9,963.79 Balance on hand June 30, 1967 ……………………………………………………………………. 844.24