Miss Ann Little was crowned the Texas Pecan Queen during the 1958 Annual Convention of the Texas Pecan Growers Association. She had previously been crowned the 1957 Eastland County Pecan Queen. Miss Little is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denman J. Burns of Rising Star, Texas. Ann was born on July 10, 1940 in Rising Star where she attended school.
She was a member of the school band for two years, Glee Club for one year, and F. H. A. for four years. She was Queen of the Rising Star Free Fall Fair in 1957. Miss Little graduated from Rising Star High School in May 1958. She represented Rising Star as a Duchess in the De Leon Peach and Melon Festival in August 1958.
She entered Texas Women's University at Denton in September 1958 to study fashion designing and commercial art.
Her hobbies include dancing, swimming, fishing, sewing, and doll collecting. She has about 60 dolls in her collection that represent various countries of the world. She has auburn hair, brown eyes, is five feet and three inches tall, and weighs 105 pounds.