Pecan Research
TEXAS, JUNE 9-11, 1924 ------------ Resolved: That we re-affirm the resolution adopted at our previous convention at Brownwood and vigorously urge upon our State legislature the extreme necessity for the establishment of an adequate and scientific pecan experiment station at the earliest possible opportunity; and that the United States Department of Agriculture be urged to co-operate in appropriate lines of pecan research. Resolved: That the proposed road connecting the Bankhead highway at Eastland, Texas, with San Antonio, Texas, traversing the leading pecan producing counties of the world, be appropriately and officially designated as "Pecan Belt Highway, the Scenic Route," and that a pecan nut emblem be used as a marker for same. Resolved: That we convey our appreciation for the publication of scientific data on pecan problems such as appeared in "Farm and Ranch," the "Pioneer Pecan Press," and are grateful to the daily and weekly press for stressing the needs of our industry. Resolved: That we request the College of Industrial Arts, the Home Economics division of the Extension Service ,of Texas, and the various teachers of Home Economics over the state to encourage the use of pecans in cooking. Resolved: That we are deeply grateful to the splendid reception accorded us at this our most successful gathering in our history at Fredericksburg. We are particularly indebted to the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce and its efficient secretary, J. E. Bell, to the Gillespie County Farm Bureau, to the capable county agricultural agent, R. S. Miller, to the local pecan growers, to the Parent-Teachers' Association and assisting ladies. We will ever remember the reception Fredericksburg has accorded us. We heartily appreciate the capable and self-sacrificing services rendered by our efficient president, H. G. Lucas, and Secretary Oscar S. Gray, and urge the membership to strenuously support their activities. Respectfully submitted, F. R. BRISON, Chairman, ROSS R.WOLFE, C.F.DENNY, Committee on Resolutions