I love to travel across the United States to see how others live and explore new territory. This last summer we went to the Grand Canyon and the west coast. We stayed with friends in El Paso and toured their pecan farm to learn about how they grow pecans. It was total different than the way we grow pecans in central Texas since they only receive 2 inches of rain per year. The highlight of the trip for me was to see the orchards and vineyards of the Central Valley in California. They were in the middle of almond harvest, as well as tomato and onions. In years past, we have been to the east coast to tour pecan and peach orchards in Georgia. Since there are a limited number of pecan shelling plants locally, contacts were made to take tours of shelling and processing plants across the pecan belt. Our trips have taken us to the Midwest states of Illinois and Indiana during corn harvest to get farm equipment and tractors.