A Choice of Pecan Varieties for the Texas Gulf Coast Area 1958

A Choice of Pecan Varieties for the Texas Gulf Coast Area 1958

Pecan Research

Everett Smith, Pecan Grower, Brazoria, Texas and J. M. Loveless, Pecan Broker, Rosharon, Texas

The Stuart pecan is the best general purpose pecan for the Gulf Coast Area for the following reasons:

  1. It resists diseases; especially scab, better than other varieties.
  2. It fills out more uniformly than competitive varieties.
  3. Stuart trees bear fairly well but do not overbear.
  4. The pecan trees are well shaped and strong which enables them to withstand heavy winds sometimes experienced on the Gulf Coast.
  5. There is a good market for Stuart nuts both in the retail and wholesale pecan trade.

Three other pecan varieties that are being tested appear promising but have not been proven.

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