INJURIOUS PECAN INSECTS ------------ Exhibited at the Texas Pecan Growers Convention by A. I. Fabis, in Charge of Pecan Insect Laboratory, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Brownwood, Texas
1. Pecan Nut Case Bearer (Acrobasis hebescella Hust) Distributed practically over entire pecan belt. Investigation of control methods not complete; 2 or 3 applications of Lead Arsenate powder at rate of 11/2 lbs.to 50 gallons of water, about May 20th, have given fair results. Communicate with Brownwood Pecan Insect Laboratory prior to spraying.
2. Obscure Scale (Chrysomphalus obscurus Comst) Distributed over Mississippi Valley and Texas. A dormant spray of Engine Oil Emulsion is effective.
3. Pecan Shuck Worm (Enarmonia caryan Fitch) Distributed over entire pecan belt; is more injurious where native hickories abound; a minor pest in West Texas. Burn infested shucks after harvesting.
4. Pecan Leaf Case Bearer (Acrobasis nebulclla Riley) Very injurious in Georgia and all Southern sections of states bordering the Gulf; does not thrive in Central and Northern Texas. Spray about August 1st with 1 lb. Lead Arsenate powder, 3 lbs. Stone Lime to each 50'gallons of water.
5. Little Hickory Aphid (Monellia caryella Fitch) Distributed over entire pecan belt. Readily controlled with the obscure scale spray.
6. Walnut Caterpillar (Ddtana integerrima G. and R.) The pecan nut case bearer spray will generally control the spring generation; an additional arsenical application may be necessary during autumn.
7. Pecan Weevil (Balaninus caryae Horn) Injurious in scattered localities over entire pecan belt. Investigation of control methods not complete; plowing and cultivation of soil about infested trees seems effective.
8. Walnut Curculio (Conotrachelus juglandis Say) Distributed over entire pecan belt. Plowing will check infestation.
9. Flat Headed Apple Tree Borer (Chrysobothris femorata Fab.) Distributed over entire pecan belt, but does not attack native varie-ties in West Texas. Worm young orchards during spring and fall, removing young larvae before they inflict serious damage.
10. Wood Lice (Reticuli termes flavipes Kollar) Entire pecan belt; injurious to young nursery stock and newly planted orchards. Investigations of control methods incomplete; do not plant orchards and nurseries on land heavily infested with termites.
11. Hickory Twig Girdler (Oncidercs cingulatus Say) Entire pecan belt. Gather infested twigs from orchards and vicinity and burn during winter; beetles also breed in oak, hickory, etc.
12. Fall Webworm (Hyphmantria cunea Dru) Entire pecan belt. Spray with Lead Arsenate powder, about 1½ lbs. to 50 gallons of water, when webs are small.
13. Hickory Phylloxera (Phylloxera caryaecaulis Fitch) Entire pecan belt. Obscure scale spray will control.
14. Catocala Caterpillars (Catocala spp.) Entire pecan belt. Nut case bearer spray will control.
15. Pecan Sawfly (Halictus sp.) Entire pecan belt. Spray with Lead Arensate powder, 1½ lbs. to 50 gallons of water will probably control.
16. Southern Green Stink Bug (Nezara viridula L.) Entire pecan belt, normally feeding on truck crops and legumes, attacking pecans during fall and causing kernel spot. Plant legumes or other inter-crops not subject to attack by this pest (velvet beans are immune).
17. Pecan Sprout Webworm (Acrobasis demotella Grt.) West Texas on sprouts and nursery stock. Spray about last of April with Lead Arsenate solution should be effective.
18. Pecan Cigar Case Bearer (Coleophora carvaefoliella Clem) Entire pecan belt. Spring application of Lead Arsenate has been recommended.
19. Pecan Bud Moth (Proteopteryx bolliana Sling) Entire pecan belt. Particularly injurious to new growth of top-worked trees and budded nursery stock. Lead Arsenate spraying will control.
20. Differential Grasshopper (Mclanoplus differentialis Thomas) Defoliated pecan trees about Brownwood, Texas, during fall of 1923; most severe on trees in or adjacent to fields and meadows. Poison bran mash is most effective.
21. Hickory Cossid (Cossula magnifica) Common in Florida in trunks of large pecan trees. Inject some Carbon Disuphid into gallery and stop hole with putty or budding wax.