Champion Pecan County Award
The Champion Pecan County Award, won by Brown County at the 1966 Texas State Pecan Show, Fort Worth, July 1967, is presented by John B. Harris, Hidden Valley Store, Hamilton (Sponsor of the award) to Floyd Gage, president, Brown County Pecan Growers Association.
John Braden, Jr. (left) accepts the Champion Native Award for John J. Chilek, Yoakum, at the 1966 State Pecan Show, Fort Worth, in July 1967, from Dean Bagley. R. B. Bagley and Sons, San Saba, one of the show sponsors. Chilek's native measured 58.0 nuts/pound and 55.88% kernel.
B. B. Freeman, Ranger, (left) receives the Reserve Champion Shelling Award at the 1966 State Pecan Show, Fort Worth, in July 1967, from Dean Bagley. Freeman exhibited a Ranger entry measuring 58.2 nuts/pound and 62.5% kernel.
Elbert Hoffman, manager of Leonard Big Valley Farm, Goldthwaite, (left) accepts the Champion In-shell Award from Dean Bagley. Hoffman exhibited a Schley entry which measured 43.8 nuts/pound and 62.95%kernel.
Tabb Harrell, Travis County, (left) receives the Champion Shelling Award at the 1966 State Pecan Show, Fort Worth, in July 1967, from Waldo Gafford, National Pecan Shellers and Processors Association, one of the sponsors. He exhibited the Sioux variety, 62.0 nuts per pound, and 58.88% kernel.
Leigh F. Fletcher, Las Cruces, New Mexico, (left) receives the Reserve Champion In-shell Award at the 1966 State Pecan Show, Fort Worth, in July 1967, from Waldo Gafford, National Pecan Shellers and Processors Association, one of the sponsors. He exhibited the Wichita variety, 51.3 nuts per pound and 63.9% kernel.
This was the 1966 Central Texas Regional Pecan Show in Fort Worth, at the Savings and Loan Association Lobby downtown. Wise County Pecan Queen Terry Lynn Roberts is shown serving as hostess.
Part of the 1966 South Texas Regional Pecan Show in the Grand Court of Wonderland Shopping City in San Antonio.