Irrigating pecans for healthy pecan trees

Irrigating Pecans

Pecan Orchards

High quality pecans require water from either rainfall or irrigation.  Most places rely on a combination of the two.  In the western US, irrigation is a must due to the lack of rainfall. Eastern pecan growers, irrigation is supplemental due to the abundance of rainfall.  Most growers fall somewhere in between. Mature pecan trees can require as much as 2000 gallons of water per week during the growing season.

Irrigating Pecans with Flood Irrigation

Irrigating Pecans with Buried Drip Pecan orchards that are established on near level grades are suitable for flood irrigation.  Pipes, canals, and ditches are all used to supply water to the pecan orchard rows. The pecan tree does very well with this type of system as the entire orchard floor is covered. Two to six inches of water is applied to each application of water.  Most systems require a minimum of 750 gallons per minute (gpm) with a high volume, low-pressure pump

One of the newest types of pecan irrigation on the market is buried drip. Developed in arid Israel, micro emitters installed on a black poly pipe is buried beneath the soil surface across the orchard floor. Special plows install the tubing with most being buried about 12-18 inches deep and these tubes connect to lateral lines and main lines across the orchard. Pump requirements are low pressure and low volume as compared to flood irrigation. Filtration is the key to a successful drip system. This system can be installed after the pecans are in production, but some roots would be disturbed.  

Irrigating Pecans with Sprinklers

Impact sprinklers are also used in pecan production.  A good amount of pressure is required to operate these types of systems.  PVC risers are the most common in which to install the “Rain birds”.  These risers are connected to a network of lateral lines, valves, and main lines.  During harvest, these risers can become a problem with the machines as they harvest the crop.  Livestock can also be a problem if they come in contact with this type of system. Cattle tend to think the sprinklers are for entertainment and can wreak havoc on

Irrigating Pecans with Micro Sprinklers

Micro sprinklers use the same type of supply lines as the sprinklers except for the risers. A thin tube, known as a spaghetti tubing is installed onto the lateral line. A sprayer stake is installed above the soil surface to hold the tube. Many different patterns of water can be applied with different nozzles. The diameter of the water thrown can also be adjusted as the tree grows.

Irrigating Pecans

These are the most common types of irrigation for pecan production.  Therefore, whatever your system, water is one of the most critical components of producing pecans.

Pecans for sale

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