It’s November and there is, perhaps, no better month to celebrate the American pecan farmer. After all, you are one to be celebrated! You are, most assuredly, in full swing harvesting your crop. You are short on daylight, and your days are long. And at times you may be lacking the help you need to get the job done. You are probably seeing less of your family during these months as well. Spending meal times out in the orchard rather than around the dinner table. And if you are like my husband, you finish your day covered in dust and grease and are in serious need of a bath. Just to start your day all over again the next morning. It’s hard work, no-doubt. But one thing is certain…it’s rewarding.
Your reward may not always come in the form of loaded pecan trees with a bumper crop. But it is definitely rewarding to enjoy the fruits of your labor. To know that your work is making an impact. And it is. Consumers across the globe can attest to that. And especially in this Thanksgiving month where pecans take a seat at the table of homes across our country. We have even more reason to remember the American pecan class="il">farmer. And so we salute you.
Thankful for our Pecan Farm
As we pause this month to give thanks for the many blessings we have in our lives we also pause to thank you. You are the bread and butter of our country. Although farmers only make up about 2% of our population, we recognize that we have fresh food on our plates because of the work that you do. Our meals are enriched because of your hard work. And our Thanksgiving traditions would definitely not be the same without you.
As you may have read a few months ago I shared with you my belief that pecans help contribute to long life. I spent some time and received some help from others to collect data that helped to support this theory. We found some really good information. And I believe that in time we will see the effect that this will have on spreading the message that pecans are a nutrition powerhouse.
Compelling Data from the American Pecan Farmer
Yes, it's easy to be fooled by the sweet taste of pecans, but they are actually loaded with health-promoting nutrients. As pecan growers we know how good pecans are for our health and how delicious they are to eat. But there is a big percentage of the population that has not heard this message. In fact, most people don’t even recognize pecans as a major contributor to the nut industry. I know…shocking, right? I couldn’t believe it myself when I first heard it. But as I am talking to people I realize it’s true.
It’s time for that to change. I hope that we will see this percentage drastically reduced over the next few years. And when it does we will have one more reason to salute the American pecan farmer and to help tell the story of this native nut.
* As seen in the November 2017 issue of Pecan South Magazine