Are Organic Pecans Available?  FAQ

Are Organic Pecans Available? FAQ

Pecan Recipes Blog

Consumers care about what they eat and where it comes from. Nowadays, consumers are interested in learning about the growing and manufacturing process. It is good to see that people are starting to educate themselves about the food they are eating every day.

People are becoming more and more aware of what they should and shouldn’t be eating. Eating healthy is becoming a mantra for many Americans. As a result, they are turning towards organic food.

People are keen on finding and buying fresh organic fruits, nuts, and vegetables to ensure a clean and healthy diet. Organic foods are those that are grown without inorganic pesticides. They are free from artificial or synthetic fertilizers and only use natural fertilizers. If we consume a high level of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides through foods, we may get sick. This can have long term effects on our health. But organic foods may not always be the best option for buying.

When buying pecans, buyers may look for fresh and organic pecans. Pecan companies and retailers often use labels like ‘local pecans,’ ‘organic pecans,’ ‘non-GMO pecans’ and ‘natural pecans’ to attract customers. However, so many labels on a single product can be confusing at times. While the term ‘organic’ gives a sense of security and assurance, organic pecans may not always be what you expect them to be. Here is what you should know first if you are looking for organic pecans.

When To Buy Organic And When Not To?

While you may think it is better to buy organic foods all the time, it is not necessary and will cost you more. Confused? Here is why.

There are times when you should choose organic foods over non-organic. You may be familiar with the terms ‘Dirty Dozen’ and ‘Clean 15’. Dirty Dozen includes foods that have most pesticides. The top 3 foods in this group are strawberry, kale, and spinach. On the other hand, Clean 15 are foods that have the least amount of pesticides in them. The top 3 Clean 15 foods are avocados, pineapple, and sweet corn.

What About The Pecans?

Many foods are better when you buy them organic, but the Dirty Dozen list does not include pecans and other similar nuts. Nuts with thicker shells, like pecans and walnuts, contain the least amount of pesticides. So pecans fall very low on the list of foods that could possibly contain pesticides.

Are Organic Pecans More Nutritious Than Non-Organic Ones?

One of the most common myths many people believe is that organic foods have a higher nutritional content than conventional foods. According to several types of research, there is no strong evidence that organic foods are more nutritious than their non-organic counterparts. The nutrient profile is almost the same within organic and conventional foods, so why pay the extra costs? The health benefits and nutrients of organic and conventional foods are more or less the same. Until and unless one grows using excessive fertilizers and pesticides, conventional foods are safe and very nutritious to consume.

As far as pecans are concerned, we have already discussed how they require a little number of pesticides. So buying organic or non-organic pecans does not make much difference.

Wrapping Up

We need to be mindful of the number of pesticides we tend to consume with daily foods. However, pecans are not a major source of pesticides in our diet so we do not have to worry much about them being organic or not. Be sure to buy pecans that are clean, have good quality and are not genetically modified.


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