Austin, Texas
PERSONS PRESENT were: W. W. Harris, Newell Atkinson, James Anthony, Robert McCoy, B. G. Hancock, Tom Denman, Hugo Pape, Robert Kensing, Floyd Gage, Roger Landers, William H. Aldred, Johnny Harris, Tabb Harrell, Fred R. Brison, J. Benton Storey.
After considerable discussion on means of publishing magazines, newsletters and Proceedings, the Directors came to a decision on financial support of the Secretary-Treasurer's position. James Anthony moved that Mrs. Dorothy Holland be retained as Associate Editor for the Association. He further moved that $1500.00 be allocated to include the Associate Editor's salary and typing expenses during the 1966-67 year. Roger Landers seconded the motion and it carried.
There was general agreement among the Directors that \$150.00 should be presented to the Texas Agricultural Extension Service to help defray the cost of publishing Texan Pecan News.
The objectives of the proposed changes in the Texas State Pecan Show Rules are to encourage additional county-shows and secure the interest of prospective consumers in pecans. The suggested changes are:
(1) Three regional shows are suggested during the year which includes San Antonio, Fort Worth and Abilene.
(2) Pecans should go through a county show before entering regional shows.
(3) No Grand Champion Awards will be made.
(4) Fifty percent of the expense of the county awards should be sponsored by the respective county association.
(5) No award is presented on a regional or state-wide basis which originated at the county level.
(6) A Queen Contest be conducted separate from the State Pecan Show which will serve to select the queen on the basis of personality, poise, talent, and other characteristics common to such pageants. B. G. Hancock moved the adoption of the report and Tom Denman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Williamson County Pecan Grower Resolution on pecan land inundation was referred to the Land Evaluation Committee.
Jim Anthony reported that the Directors of the Texas Pecan Growers Association met in September in Fort Worth when it became apparent that pecan prices for 1965 were going to be low. It was explained that Texas could not secure funds to advertise pecans through a check-off because it violates the Texas Constitution.
Many growers have been interested in securing funds from some kind of mark-off on pecans for the purpose of advertising the crop. The same growers have been very outspoken in their view that no government controls should be imposed. In writing a Federal Marketing Order, a certain amount of control is necessary. The current Marketing Order stands with quality control only on export pecans. There is no current provision for controlling domestic pecans although it could be written in later. Texas growers in favor of the Marketing Order would probably accept quality control on domestic pecans because Texas pecans are generally higher in quality than those from certain other areas of the nation.
The greatest opposition to the Federal Marketing Order so far has been shellers who are not in favor of the mark-off at the sheller's level. Most authorities agree that it must be at the sheller level to be successful. The shellers have stated that they can do more in advertising pecans with \$40,000 than could be done with \$250, 000 that could be secured from a mark-off. This philosophy is very difficult to understand.
Robert McCoy moved that the meeting adjourn and Tom Denman seconded the motion. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
J. B. Storey