CAW-CAW Fuse Rope Has proved effective Keep the Crows Out. Save Your Crop The Rope Fire Cracker method for controlling bird and animal depredation pays off. Write for full information. The J. E. Fricke Co. 40 N. Front St. Philadelphia 6, Pa. Fill Up With GOLDEN ESSO EXTRA World's Finest Gasoline UNDER THE HUMBLE SIGN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Gold Kist Pecan Growers A Pecan Growers Cooperative Pecan Marketing Organization, operating as a Division of The Cotton Producers Association. ONLY BONAFIDE PECAN GROWERS ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP Shelling and Inshell Processing of GOLD KIST BRAND PECANS ★ ★ ★ SEGUIN, TEXAS and WAYCROSS, GEORGIA "Buyers of Quality Pecans For Over 50 Years" Call CEntral 1-2100, St. Louis, Mo. When You Have Pecans For Sale R. E. Funsten Company 1515 Delmar Boulevard St. Louis 3, Missouri Compliments TEXAS PECAN SHELLING CO. P. O. Box 2246 SAN ANTONIO 6, TEXAS We, too, are always in the market to buy not only seedlings, but im- proved varieties as well. Better Quality Better Value That's the kind of PECAN TREES you buy when you ask your nurseryman for trees GROWN BY: ALDRIDGE NURSERY VON ORMY, TEXAS WHOLESALE ONLY CLARENCE F. HUTCHES TEXAS, OKLA., ARK., LA., MISS., AND ALA. -PECANS- TELEPHONES: Office: TAylor 6-6334 --- Res.: TAylor 2-9532 P. O. Box 1244 SAN ANTONIO 6, TEXAS August 26, 1957 Dear Fellow Members: As most of you know, we have been---consistently over 20 years---one of the largest buyers of seedling pecans. In the last ten years we have become increasingly important factors in improved varieties, hence this message. It is our suggestion that where growers are reasonably near each other and assuming they are producing the same varieties, it may prove mutually profitable to market similar varieties together. The larger the quantity, the better the price. We are particularly interested this year in buying the better known varieties and invite any grower or dealer ready to sell 3,000 pounds or more to telephone me collect. Again this year, we will concentrate pecans, both seedlings and improved, in Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, San Antonio and we hope Tulsa. Excepting Tulsa, we maintain adequate funds at warehouses in the cities mentioned and when you sell us pecans the warehouses issue their checks as soon as pecans are unloaded and weights determined. With best wishes, we remain Sincerely, Clarence F. Hutches ELLIOTT PECAN TREES ELLIOTT pecan trees are now available at our regular prices. This variety is in unpre- cedented early demand. In the fall for the first time, we will have Elliott pecan trees in commercial quantities. The DESIRABLE variety is also available for delivery in 1957. Our list also includes Curtis, Stuart, Schley, Success, Moneymaker, Moore, Pabst and Florida Giant. Book your orders early for ELLIOTT and DESIRABLE. There will not be enough to go around. We also specialize in high quality seeds of the following plants: Sweet Blue Lupine Sweet Yellow Lupine Blue Lupine Crotalaria Watermelon, All Varieties SIMPSON NURSERY CO. Established 1902 Monticello, Florida Speed Sprayers Headquarters SIMON J. BURG SPRAYER COMPANY STONEWALL, TEXAS Your Texas Home for JONN BEAN SPRAYERS Parts & Service Agricultural Insecticides Weed and Brush Killers Write for catalogue PHONE 2224 STONEWALL Compliments of __________ ____________________________ __________ Texas Gulf Sulphur Co. Producers of Crude Sulphur A good neighbor A good citizen 811 Rusk Avenue Houston 2, Texas The Texas Pecan Company 2209-11 N. Main Street Phone 4-6891 PARIS, TEXAS Shellers and Packers of Texas Pecans WE BUY PECANS --- AND PAY TOP PRICES Pecan Growers DITHANE Z-78 helps you get higher yields by controlling scab. DITHANE Z-78 is the Rohm & Haas trade-mark for zineb. ROHM & HAAS COMPANY Washington Square Philadelphia 5, Pa. DITHANE is a trade-mark, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. and in principal foreign countries