If you are having trouble pooping, it’s time to pit or get off the pot- with Texas pecans! Constipation occurs when the colon is backed up with stool that is taking too long to travel through the digestive system.
Do Nuts Make You Poop?
The top two causes of this gastric upset are not drinking enough water or consuming enough fiber in daily life. The USDA recommends that men and women consume between 25-40 grams a day at the bare minimum. Americans, including Texans, are barely meeting half of that every day, leading to physical and biological stress. However, nuts and seeds are a superb source of fiber, ranging from 3-10 grams per serving (1 oz or 28 grams).
Nuts Highest in Fiber
- Almonds, 4 grams
- Pecans, 3 grams
- Pine Nuts, 3 grams
- Pistachios, 3 grams
- Hazelnuts, 3 grams
So, fiber in nuts makes you poop, right? Well, there are two types of fiber that have different functions along with micronutrients that act to relax the digestive system.
Soluble Fiber from Pecans
Soluble fiber or fibre is another indigestible carbohydrate that expands in the digestive tract rather than only passing through. It is “soluble” meaning it is able to bind with water and expand. The mixture’s consistency is good for thinner stools, as the gel will give the stool more substance. Good sources of soluble fiber oats, apples, citrus, and beans.
Insoluble Fiber from Pecan Nuts
Insoluble fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that is able to pass through your body without being absorbed; it contains zero “true” carbs and calories. Its inability to stay halted for digestion in your colon allows it to literally pass through at a quicker rate than other foods. This adds structure to the stool and helps it pass easily. Consumption of insoluble fiber aids constipation and may add regularity to stools. The type of fiber found in shelled pecan nuts is insoluble fiber.
Both fibers bind to toxic nutrients and harmful lipids in the body to carry on their way out! Eating more fiber leads to increased satiety, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and a diverse microbiome. Regularly consuming fiber like those found in nuts improves your current quality of life while extending its length.
Relax-ative with Shelled Pecan Halves
Magnesium (Mg) is an old, well-known cure to inconsistencies in bowel movements’ frequencies and shapes. It is sold as an unpalatable Magnesium Citrate or Milk of Magnesia, but Magnesium is present in some fibrous nuts like pecans. Magnesium is known to provide fuel for the functioning of nerves and muscles in the body; the digestive tract has muscles that work to keep stool moving inside the body during digestion. When muscles become too tense or tight, bowel movements fail to occur. Magnesium is able to help the muscles relax in order for stool to expel. A 100-gram serving (3.5 ounces) of pecans provides 33% of the Recommended Daily Allowance for Magnesium, so eating a snack of 1 or 2 ounces of pecans may still act as a gastrointestinal relaxer.
Supplements for fiber and Magnesium are commonly available on the market, but they miss essential micro-nutrients that a whole food source delivers, wrapped in a bow. Adding a serving or two of nuts into your daily diet can make life surprisingly less strenuous. Make sure not to overdo it, as nuts are high-calorie and high-fiber! No matter how you cook them, pecans’ nutrition ensure that they will do the job. Pair San Saba pecans with a tall glass of water, and relax.
Works Cited https://www.myfooddata.com/articles/nuts-seeds-high-in-fiber.php