Pecan Orchards

What Nuts Are Good For Squirrels

Pecan Orchards
What Types of Nuts do Squirrels Eat What nuts are good for squirrels? Squirrels love nuts, whether they are in the treat tray or the wild, shelled ...

What do you feed a baby squirrel?

Pecan Orchards
Spotting squirrels roaming the public parks and neighborhood trees are not unique to any single region. No matter what state you live in, it is eas...

What are Wild Native Pecans? FAQ

Pecan Orchards
The wild pecans are native pecans that were discovered in the 16th century by European explorers in the regions of North America but had long been a staple food source for the native Americans. The wild and native type is nuttier in flavor, while newer varieties have more size, thinner shells and require more management to grow.

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