Texas Pecan Growers Association
George D. Madden, Chairman, U. S. Pecan Field Station, P. O. Box 579,
Brownwood, Texas 76801
Floyd Gage, Route 1, Box 263, Brownwood, Texas 76801
Richard Manning, Box 627, Brownwood, Texas 76801
Ellis Brown, P. O. Box 579, Brownwood, Texas 76801
Dwight Harkey, Assistant County Agricultural Agent, County Courthouse,
Brownwood, Texas 76801
Charles Threet, County Agricultural Agent, County Courthouse, Brownwood, Tex.
John Q. Gallaway, KBWD Farm Director, Brownwood, 76801
- W. Harris, Chairman, 1811 Lightsey Lane, Austin, Texas 78723
Jack Williams II, 227 South Salado, San Antonio, Texas 78207
Burton S. Burks, Jr., Chairman, Route 2, Granbury, Texas
- H. Templeton, 8000 Havenwood, Austin, Texas
- C. Pape, Chairman, 701 Bismark Street, Seguin, Texas
Dr. Cecil Gregg, Box 126, San Marcos, Texas
Michael S. Hunt, Marlin Pecan Orchards, P. O. Box 40, Marlin, Texas
Charles N. Prothro, Perkins-Prothro Co., P. O. Box 2099, Wichita Falls, Texas
Murray Callahan, Box 644, Bastrop, Texas
Billy Kidd, Chairman, County Agricultural Agent, Box 635, San Saba, Tex.76877
Keith Hillman, County Agricultural Agent, Granbury, Texas
De Marquis Gordon, County Agricultural Agent, Eastland, Texas
Charles Threet, County Agricultural Agent, County Courthouse, Brownwood, Tex.
George S. Blackburn, County Agricultural Agent, Breckenridge, Texas
Dwight Harkey, Assistant County Agricultural Agent, County Courthouse,
Brownwood, Texas 76801
George Madden, U. S. Pecan Field Station, P. O. Box 579, Brownwood, Texas
Robert Kensing, Area Farm Management Specialist, Box 3127, San Angelo, Texas
Randolph Terrell, Exhibits Chairman, 601 N. Heideke, Seguin, Texas
Floyd Gage, Demonstration Chairman, Route 1, Box 263, Brownwood, Texas
Land Evaluation
- R. Brison, Chairman, 602 S. Dexter, College Station, Texas
Will S. Price, Box 86, Kerens, Texas
Taber Shelton, P. O. Box 4, Gonzales, Texas
Harry Cross, Sr., Route 2, Hwy. 69 N., Greenville, Texas
- L. Rainey, Box 205, San Saba, Texas
- G. Hancock, Extension Horticulturist, Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas 77840
- B. Martin, Jr., Chairman, 219 Fourth Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
- Benton Storey, Drawer CC, College Station, Texas 77840
Donald A. Wottrich, 6402 Cindy Street, Houston, Texas 77008
Marketing and Grades
Randolph Terrell, Chairman, Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 601 N. Heideke,
Seguin, Texas
- H. Stewart, Granbury, Texas
- B. Martin, Jr., 219 Fourth Street, San Antonio, Texas
Warren Wells, Chairman, Route 2, Box 425, Arlington, Texas
De Marquis Gordon, County Agricultural Agent, Eastland, Texas
John Braden, Jr., Route 4, Cuero, Texas
Burton Burks, Jr., Route 2, Granbury, Texas
Nelson Hander, Route 1, Box 318, Belton, Texas
Ray Peeler, Jr., Box 37, Bonham, Texas 75418
Ted Montgomery, Bud Adams Ranches, Route 2, Box 69, Waller, Texas
- B. Fox, Route 4, Taylor, Texas
Lenis Wells Nursery & Orchards, Box 146, Lindale, Texas
Donald N. Stallings, 753 Lamar Avenue, Paris, Texas
- O. Jackson, Pecandale Farm, Route 2, Cleburne, Texas
Donald A. Wottrich, 6302 Cindy Lane, Houston, Texas
John Brawner, 510 N. San Marcos, Seguin, Texas
John Stribling, Jr., 104 North 19th Street, Lamesa, Texas
Dr. Stanley L. Stevenson, 5221 Locksley, Dallas, Texas
Dr. James E. Anthony, Chairman, 200 Throckmorton, Fort Worth, Texas
Kenneth Suggs, P. O. Box 762, Fabens, Texas
John Speck, P. O. Box 722, Plainview, Texas
Harold Ivey, Box 46, Tornillo, Texas
Robert B. Baldwin, P. O. Box 6912, Houston, Texas
Newell Atkinson, Route 1, Box 153, Boling, Texas 77420
- W. Frost, 2610 Tennessee Road, Houston, Texas
Otto Moser, DeKalb, Texas
Taber Shelton, P. O. Box 4, Gonzales, Texas
- C. Pape, 701 Bismark Street, Seguin, Texas
- E. Tisdale, Barnett Springs Ranch, San Saba, Texas
Elijah W. Thompson, 5026 Chennault Road, Houston, Texas 77033
- S. Gray, Sr., Chairman, O. S. Gray Nursery & Landscape, P. O. Box 550,
Arlington, Texas
Dr. E. W. Darilek, Route 2, Box 26-A, Seguin, Texas
- P. Leonard, 200 Houston, Fort Worth, Texas
- L. Rainey, Box 205, San Saba, Texas
David Horne, Horne Brothers, P. O. Box 21, Plainview, Texas
- T. Evers, Chairman, Box 176, Denton, Texas
- W. Schuhmann, Del Valle, Texas
- Guy Risien, San Saba, Texas
Taber Shelton, Chairman, P. O. Box 4, Gonzales, Texas
Bob Horne, Horne Brothers, P. O. Box 21, Plainview, Texas
John Braden, Jr., Route 4, Cuero, Texas
- W. Harris, 1811 Lightsey Lane, Austin, Texas
- G. Hancock, Extension Horticulturist, Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas
John Q. Gallaway, KBWD Farm Director, Brownwood, Texas
- G. Hancock, Extension Horticulturist, Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas
Monk Vance, Farm and Ranch Editor, Fort Worth Star-Telegram,
Fort Worth, Texas 76101
Mrs. Aubrey Fife, Chairman, 414 North 18th Street, Junction, Texas 76849
Mrs. Charles Kothmann, Box 601, Menard, Texas 76859
Mrs. George Madden, 2001 Sixth Street, Brownwood, Texas 76801
Miss Sandra Skaggs, Junction, Texas
- B. Sullivan, P. O. Box 366, San Saba, Texas
- G. Hancock, Chairman, Extension Horticulturist, Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas 77840
Floyd Gage, Route 1, Box 263, Brownwood, Texas
Taber Shelton, P. O. Box 4, Gonzales, Texas
Robert Kensing, Area Farm Management Specialist, Box 3127,San Angelo, Texas
Roger Landers, Menard, Texas
John Chilek, Route 2, Box 104, Yoakum, Texas
Dr. E. D. Cook, Blackland Experiment Station, Box 748, Temple, Texas
Edward Migura, Box 650, Bastrop, Texas
Don Decker, County Agricultural Agent, Belton, Texas
Herman Lynch, County Agricultural Agent, Box 308, New Boston, Texas
Floyd Key, County Agricultural Agent, Box 842, Comanche, Texas
Gilbert Heideman, County Agricultural Agent, Box 127, Cuero, Texas
De Marquis Gordon, County Agricultural Agent, Eastland, Texas
Clinton Bippert, County Agricultural Agent, La Grange, Texas
Frank Stockton, County Agricultural Agent, 320 St. Louis Street, Gonzales, Texas
Henry New, County Agricultural Agent, Box 751, Seguin, Texas
Keith Hillman, County Agricultural Agent, 900 Doyle, Granbury, Texas
- C. Henderson, County Agricultural Agent, Box 183, Junction, Texas
- V. Garrett, Box 247, Mason, Texas
Allen Turner, County Agricultural Agent, Box 727, Menard, Texas
- D. Moore, County Agricultural Agent, Box 509, Cameron, Texas
Billy Bumpus, County Agricultural Agent, Box 136, Montague, Texas
Billy Kidd, County Agricultural Agent, Box 635, San Saba, Texas
Jack Doby, County Agricultural Agent, County Courthouse, Austin, Texas
Angus Dickson, County Agricultural Agent, Luther Building, El Paso, Texas
Brown Spivey, County Agricultural Agent, Giddings, Texas
Billy R. Thane, County Agricultural Agent, Box 539, Decatur, Texas
Charles Threet, County Agricultural Agent, Brownwood, Texas
Don W. Callahan, County Agricultural Agent, Courthouse, Gatesville, Texas
- S. Hyman, County Agricultural Agent, County Courthouse, San Angelo, Texas
George Madden, U .S. Pecan Field Station, P. O. Box 579, Brownwood, Texas
- L. Rainey, Box 205,San Saba, Texas
- E. Graves, Jr., County Agricultural Agent, 4th Floor, County Courthouse,
Fort Worth, Texas
Thurman Kennedy, County Agricultural Agent, 302 Courthouse, San Antonio,
- C. Stanley, Jr., County Agricultural Agent, County Courthouse, Abilene, Texas
Districts were originally adopted by the annual convention of the Texas Pecan Growers Association July 16, 1931 at La Grange, Texas.
Williamson, Travis, and Hays Counties were changed from District 4 to District 1 by the Association during the annual convention at San Antonio, Texas on
July 10, 1957.
McLennan, Bell, and Falls Counties were changed from District 3 to District
2 and Robertson County from District 4 to District 2 by the Association during the annual convention at Fort Worth, Texas on July 15,1959.