Awards Committee. Dr. James E. Anthony was recommended for life membership in the Texas Pecan Growers Association because of his outstanding service. Few men have accomplished as much for the pecan growers as Dr. Anthony in such a relatively short time. Dr. Anthony spent many long hours in behalf of the pecan growers in developing better and more stable pecan prices. He has made numerous trips to Washington, D. C., New Orleans, and other areas at his own expense where he has always represented the pecan growers with dignity and a depth of understanding. Therefore, the Awards Committee moves the presentation of the life membership award to Dr. James E. Anthony. Motion seconded and carried.
Burton Burks, Chairman
James H. Templeton
J. Benton Storey
Location Committee. Fort Worth and Dallas were under consideration as possible sites for the 1967 Annual Conference. Since the Furniture Market in Dallas during the second week in July directly conflicts with the date specified by the Constitution for the Texas Pecan Growers Association Annual Conference, the committee moved that Fort Worth be selected as the site for the 1967 Annual Conference. Motion seconded by Taber Shelton and carried.
James E. Anthony, Acting Chmn.
James E. Moore
Sam Pollard
E. D. Cook
Dallas Telford
Membership Committee. Plans are underway to develop an attractive, informative brochure which will help recruit members during the 1966-67 year.
Warren Wells, Chairman
Memorial Committee. We pause, in sympathy and respect, to record the passing of Mrs. Nelson Hander, Belton, Texas. She has meant a great deal to the Texas Pecan Growers Association in various ways of support and encouragement, and her presence and interest will be greatly missed.
We extend our deep sympathy to the family of this dear friend.
Therefore, be it resolved that her passing be properly recorded in the minutes of this meeting and that a copy be sent to her bereaved friends.
E. W. Schuhmann
E. Guy Risien
W. T. Evers
Legislative Committee. A great deal of activity has developed during the year in regard to the proposed federal marketing order for pecans. Your attention is directed to a paper in these Proceedings on that subject.
James Anthony, Chairman
George Peyton
Kenneth Suggs
John Speck
C. W. Kothmann
Will S. Price
A. C. Mackin
Taber Shelton
H. C. Pape
C. E. Tisdale
Resolutions Committee.
This committee presents for your approval the following resolutions:
- Resolve that we urge our representatives in congress to support legislation that will provide relief for owners or pecan lands that are taken by condemnation proceedings so that owners will have greater latitude in reinvesting without having to pay ruinous capital gain taxes.
- That we express our appreciation to the management and personnel of the Terrace Motor Hotel for the courtesies shown.
- That we express our thanks to Councilman La Rue for extending the welcome of the City of Austin.
- That we recognize the presence of the USDA and state research and extension personnel at our meeting and that we express our appreciation for their continuing service to pecan growers.
- That we express our appreciation to the out-of-state people on the program and in attendance at the conference for their very excellent contributions.
- That we extend our best wishes to our queen, Miss Connie Bagley, of San Saba.
- That we express appreciation to the Department of Public Safety for presenting a most informative and entertaining program at the annual banquet.
- That we pledge our wholehearted support to Mrs. Dorothy Holland as she assumes the duties of Associate Editor of the Texas Pecan Growers Association.
- That we recognize the services of President John B. Harris and Vice President James E. Anthony for the sound and dignified leadership in a year of unusually difficult circumstances which have faced the pecan industry
Tabb Harrell
Show Committee.
Numerous changes have been approved by the Directors which are outlined in a paper in these Proceedings. The committee is convinced that these changes provide a great opportunity for expansion of the shows and a more realistic means of managing the events.
B. G. Hancock, Chairman
Nominations Committee. The committee nominates the following new directors for a two year term: District 1 ............................................................................Tabb Harrell, Austin District 2 ........................................................................Dallas Telford, DeKalb District 3 .........................................................................Ben Freeman, Ranger District 4 ......................................................................Raymond Davis, Seguin Secretary-Treasurer ................................................................J. Benton Storey Vice President .............................................................................Fred R. Brison President ..............................................................................James E. Anthony
John Braden moved that the nominations cease and the above named officers and directors be elected by acclamation. W. W. Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Taber Shelton, Chairman
Bob Horn
John Braden, Jr.
W. W. Harris
B. G. Hancock
Mr. Nentwich mentioned the need for a water committee. The matter was referred to the incoming president who has the authority to appoint all committees needed to conduct the affairs of the Association.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Benton Storey