- That the constitution, with all the amendments that have been added be included in the 1958 Proceedings.
- That each member read the constitution keeping in mind any changes or additions that should be made.
- That any member or group of members desiring to submit a request for any change or additions to the constitution, do so in writing addressed to the chairman of the Constitution Committee. T. W. Brumbalow, Chairman W. S. Bounds W. C. Fullilove
Pecans Grades and Standards Committee
For the past three years the Department of Horticulture at Texas A&M College has been conducting an extensive study of the grades of pecans in Texas. When this information has been evaluated; standards should be set up to meet these grades, and legislation passed to regulate the movement of inshell varieties in Texas.
Randolph Terrell, Chairman
J. B. Storey
J. F. Rosborough
Pecan Legislative Committee
The committee recommended that Section Six of the Constitution be amended to read, "That the annual meeting of the Association be held in four permanent locations, one in each of the four districts, and that two of these locations be Brownwood and College Station."
Luther Rainey, Chairman
Randolph Terrell
Barney Sullivan
Location Committee
The committee reported that an invitation had been received from the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce to meet in Fort Worth in 1959. W. S. Price, chairman of the committee, moved that the officers and directors of the Association make a final decision on a meeting place at an early meeting. The motion carried.
W. S. Price, Jr., Chairman
Jack Ellis
O. S. Gray, Jr.
Pecan Marketing Committee
- The marketing practices of the pecan industry are antiquated and deprive the grower of the maximum potential income from his crop.
- The improvement of these practices can only come slowly and must begin through organization at the local level.
- The committee believes that the Texas Pecan Growers Association, both by resolution and action, should encourage the formation and proper growth of county pecan associations throughout Texas.
- The market functions of these county pecan associations could be: (a) To encourage greater local pecan consumption by educating local consumers. (b) Provide an inspection and approval service for both local and out-of-town buyers. (c) Make possible the pooling of pecans for sale to buyers in large quantities through greater familiarity among pecan growers. (d) Provide the possible nucleus of a much larger organization at some point in the future, in the manner of the California Walnut Growers Association.
- The committee also wishes to point out that these county associations could have the following non-marketing functions: (a) To strengthen the state organization. (b) Give pecan growers more voice in the general agricultural arena. (c) Educate more growers in better techniques of pecan culture. (d) Through combination, gain for the pecan industry its fair share of agricultural research money.
- That the Texas Pecan Growers Association through acceptance of this report adopt as one of its primary objectives the active encouragement of the formation of county pecan associations.
- That the incoming president appoint a new committee to study the best means by which the formation of these local associations can be encouraged and achieved, and that this committee report to the Directors at its next meeting.
- That the Directors be empowered to act on that recommendation without further authority providing necessary expenditures will not exceed $100 before the next regular meeting of the State Association.
J. T. Orchard, Chairman
J. M. Loveless
W. C. Winkler
Pecan Research Committee
Mr. Romberg is continuing research for better varieties at the Brownwood Station. There are several varieties being tested that show good possibilities.
This committee recommends that detailed research on evaluation of aerial versus ground spraying for control of nut case bearer be conducted for the next two or three years.
This committee recommends that the President of the Texas Pecan Growers Association appoint a committee to work with the Director of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service in establishing a full-time Extension Horticulturist position for pecan work in Texas.
Randolph Terrell, Chairman
L. D. Romberg
T. H. Stewart
Pecan Resolutions Committee
Resolved: That the Texas Pecan Growers Association express its thanks to Elmo Cook, County Agricultural Agent, Austin, Texas and members of his committee for their splendid work in making arrangements for the convention and particularly for the boat trip on Lake Austin and the fish fry at Greenshores.
Resolved: That the Texas Pecan Growers Association express its thanks and appreciation to J. L. Rainey, Richland Springs, Texas for his exhibit of pecans that were on display both in sacks and boxes that attracted so much attention and to Bluefford Hancock, A&M College, for his exhibit of pecan budding knives and pruning shears and to Fred Brison and B. G. Hancock for the exhibit of winning entries in the 1957 Pecan Show.
Resolved: That the Texas Pecan Growers Association in its 37th Annual Convention at Austin, Texas on July 8 and 9, 1958 express