
Fruit Kabobs with Yogurt and Pecans

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Blogger Andie Mitchell shares a simple, nutritious snack that is sure to get the kids excited – Fruit Kabobs with Yogurt and Pecans!


1/2 cup pecan pieces, finely chopped 

8 skewers 

2 cups watermelon, cubed 

2 cups cantaloupe, cubed 

2 cups strawberries, halved 

2 medium kiwis, peeled and cut into slices and then crescents 

1 large banana, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch slices 

1 cup plain low-fat yogurt


Thread the cut fruit onto skewers in whatever color arrangement you like. Place the yogurt and pecans in two small bowls. Serve fruit kabobs alongside yogurt and chopped pecans for dipping! *Note: Feel free to mix and match your favorite fruit (berries, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, banana, pineapple, kiwi and more!)

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