It was mentioned one year ago that the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer fall roughly into five categories, briefly outlined below:
1. Maintaining the Membership Rolls: Our membership roll consists of (a) regular members, (b) life members, and (c) courtesy members. Regular members are those who pay dues --- usually $3, but $1.50 for those engaged in Agricultural Extension, research, or teaching. We had 235 regular members on July 1, 1958. Life members are those who have been voted life membership in the Association, without the payment of annual dues. Life memberships have been given to 5 members through the year.
Courtesy members are those whose names are carried on the membership roll because of the mutual advantages that result from their memberships. Agricultural editors, farm radio program directors, agricultural television program directors, and some County Agricultural Agents in pecan producing areas are the principal groups that make up the courtesy membership list. Courtesy members get the regular Newsletters, but not the Proceedings. We have 41 courtesy members on our roll at present. Courtesy members are not sanctioned officially by our constitution or any of its amendments. They have come into existence by executive decree of the Secretary, as a policy of practical expediency. They cost us little; I feel that the investment is a good one.
2. Administrative Responsibilities: The Secretary conducts the correspondence of the Association and assists the President and Directors in discharging the work of the Association. This has been a pleasant and easy task this year, due to the readiness and business-like manner with which President Tisdale and the Directors have assumed and discharged their duties and responsibilities.
History was made in January when every officer and director came to College Station to assist with the Pecan Show. There were 12 present; they traveled 3,370 miles and devoted 24 days’ time at that one meeting alone. That is devotion to duty in action.
3. Printing the Proceedings: The Proceedings of the Association have been published regularly since 1923. The Proceedings become a permanent record of the activities of the Association. They are a source of information for pecan growers of today and tomorrow. Those who read the Proceedings seek information and they often accept that which they read as final and unimpeachable. We, therefore, should be very careful in publishing information, and should be sure that that which is printed represents valid information. It is the duty of the Secretary to edit papers and reports, to solicit advertisements, to print the Proceedings, and distribute them to the members. We endeavor to do that as soon after the annual convention as possible.
We have established a rule that members whose dues are paid before January 1 receive Proceedings of the current year, and those who pay dues after January 1 receive Proceedings of the convention held the following July.
4. Publish Newsletters: Six Newsletters are issued each year. The help of the entire membership is needed if these Newsletters are to serve their intended purpose. Members are requested to send to the Secretary's office timely items of interest throughout the year.
5. Financial Accounts: It is the duty of the Treasurer to keep a record and make, an accounting of the financial transactions of the Association. A copy of the financial report for the past year is published in these Proceedings.
Mrs. Maude Courim, Mrs. Barbara Baylis, and more recently Mrs. Joyce Milam have assisted in conducting the affairs of the Association and their interest and help is greatly appreciated. J. Benton Storey has served as Assistant Secretary. He has helped generously, and Bobby Wilson has helped with the responsibilities of the office of the Secretary, particularly in preparation and mailing of Newsletters and in conducting the State Pecan Show.