Texas Pecan Directors meeting from 1967

Texas Pecan Directors meeting from 1967

Pecan Research

Association Affairs


January 16, 1967

College Station, Texas


Directors in attendance were: James E. Anthony, Raymond Davis, John Braden Jr., W. S. Price, B. B. Freeman, Tom Denman, Randolph Terrell, Henry New, Dallas Telford, F. R. Brison, R. P. McCoy, Mrs. Dorothy Holland, Tabb Harrell, B. G. Hancock, and J. B. Storey.

The minutes of the July 11, 1966 meeting were read by the secretary. The secretary moved the adoption of the minutes and R. P. McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried. 


1967 Texas State Fair


Our participation in the Texas Kitchen Window event of the Texas State Fair was discussed. W. S. Price gave a very favorable report on the event that has occurred annually for the last several years. He felt that a sequence in transplanting pecan trees, shown as a slide series between the food preparation demonstrations, would be very helpful and interesting to those viewing the exhibit. The group would also like to encourage the participation by pecan distributors in this event. John Braden moved that we participate in the 1967 Texas Kitchen Window and Raymond Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried.



The following membership report was given:


                                                      Membership first        Membership first     Total

             half 1966-67                  half 1965-66 1965-66

Regular…………………………………….……..406                                       368 487

Contributing……………………………….…….25                                          26 32

Sustaining…………………………………….…….6                                            4 5

-------               --------     ------- Total .....................................................437                                       398 524

Life……………………………………………….……11                                            12 11

Honorary................................................58                                          64 64

Courtesy...............................................212                                        192 89

Extension…………………………………………271                                         271 270

  -------                 --------     ------

TOTAL...................................................989                                       937 958


We are 39 dues-paying members ahead of where we were this time last year, but 87 short of the total 1965-66 dues-paying membership. 

A list of persons not paying 1966-67 dues was distributed to the Directors. The secretary indicated that copies of the list would be sent to all members of the Membership Committee.

The secretary also stated that a list of members residing in Texas was being prepared according to the counties in which they reside. This should be helpful to County Pecan Growers Associations and others in assessing the membership within their counties.


Financial Statement


A detailed financial statement was distributed and discussed by the treasurer. This statement is summarized as follows:


Cash on hand July 1, 1966...................................................................................$2509.99

Total Receipts July 1, 1966-January 15, 1967.......................................................4554.84

Total Disbursements July 1, 1966 - January 15, 1967............................................5543.38

Balance on Hand January 15, 1967.......................................................................1521.50 Budgeted Disbursements 1966-67........................................................................8905.15   Budgeted Receipts 1966-67..................................................................................7678.24                           -------------- 

Balance Needed to Meet Budget ……………………………………………………………………..1224.91

Cash on Hand July 1, 1966.....................................................................................2509.99

Balance Needed to Meet Budget..........................................................................1224.91           --------------

Estimated Cash on Hand June 30, 1967..............................................................$1285.08


A figure of \$1500 was considered adequate by the Directors in their July 11, 1966 meeting to take care of editing and secretarial assistance during the fiscal year. We anticipate remaining within this$1500 mark but will have to economize considerably. A professional typist was approached who requested a rate of$2.18 per hour. We could not have paid this rate and remained within our budget so we sought other assistance. Mrs. Rosie LoBello has agreed to type at the rate of$1.50 per hour for an anticipated 166 hours to earn$250 this year. Mrs. J. B. Storey is typing, composing letters, and doing the book work a t$1.60 per hour for an anticipated 287 hours during the year. At this rate she will earn$459.Thus,it will cost about$700 for both ladies, compared to about$1,000 that would have been charged by the lady originally contacted. The total time that probably will be used in these two positions is 453 hours for the year which will amount to about one-fourth full time, figuring a 40-hour week. Both Mrs. LoBello and Mrs. Storey are considered independent contractors from a tax standpoint so we do not take a withholding tax from their checks. If Mrs. Holland will consider\$800 sufficient for her services during the year, we will just about fall within the\$1500 budget set by the Directors last July.


We will be concluding the year with about$1300 compared with$2500 that we started with. However, we anticipate paying for both the 1965 and 1966 Proceedings during this year which means that we are about holding our own regarding finances.


  1. S. Price moved that the budget presented by the treasurer be accepted. R. P. McCoy seconded the motion and it carried.


The Pecan Quarterly


Mrs. Holland discussed the Quarterly with the Directors. She asked what we wanted the Quarterly to do. It is anticipated that the Quarterly will be eight pages 81/x11 with a possible publication of 2,500 copies. Three columns will appear on each page that will consist of 70-pound paper stock. The 2,500 copies should cost about$300.Each issue will include feature articles, research notes, county news, homemaking tips, calendar of events, and a message from the president. Possibly marketing reports, legislation, and memorials also will be included. Anticipated publication dates are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. Deadline for copy will be six weeks prior to publication date.


Brison moved and Price seconded the motion that the initial Quarterly magazine be placed on a trial basis for one year. It should be known as "The Pecan Quarterly.” Motion carried. 


1967 Conference Program 


The Directors expressed an interest in storage of pecans and related topics as the theme for the 1967 Annual Conference. Interest was also expressed in having guests from Mexico and preparing proper translation facilities for them.



Research Budget


Dr. M. E. Bloodworth, Head, Department of Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, commented on the status of our Legislative request for the period beginning September 1,1967.He pointed out that in the year ending June 30,1966 the following states were spending these amounts for agricultural research:

California  …………………………………………$19,000,000

Florida  ………………………………………………   6, 696,000

Ohio  ………………………………………………….   6,750,000

Louisiana  …………………………………………..   4,672,000

Our budget request has received a favorable hearing before the Legislative Budget Board. This Board put down $4,470,000 for the first year and$4,912.000 for the second year. The request made to the Legislature was for $7,800,000 in the first year and $9,200,000 for the second year. Dr. Bloodworth gave the following figures for pecan related research by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station:

1965-66………………………………..……….......... $ 80,793

1965-67……………………………………..…………….  72, 000

1967-68.................................................. 149,500 being requested

1968-69.................................................  160,000 being requested


The $309,500 for the present 2-year asking includes the $114,000 on which we are operating for the current two-year period. This means a requested increase of $195,500 for the two years or a $92,000 per year increase that has been requested. Items included in the current request are for pecan harvesting, processing, storage and weed control in addition to funds requested for regular pecan research.


Water Rights


  1. P. McCoy brought up the question of the right to use water from the rivers and streams of the state. He pointed out that many potential users are having their water rights cancelled, probably because they are not aware of what is being done. He cautioned that everyone should make certain that they fill out the proper forms to insure the continued availability of water for their use. 
  2. P. McCoy was asked to check into the water right situation. He said that the Texas Research League had made a real study of this problem. In fact, the state has retained this League to work the problem out. Maybe a representative of this group could be asked to be on our Annual Conference Program.


The Pecan Bowl


Dr. James Anthony made the initial contact relative to the Pecan Bowl in July 1966. Storey, Hancock, and Anthony attended a meeting of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce sometime in October. Nothing much really came out of this conference because we did not have funds to help support their program. However, Curly Hays contacted Jim Anthony a week or so prior to the Bowl in December 1966 requesting 160 gifts of pecans for TV and Press personnel. He spent $250 on shipping these gifts. Anthony suggested that the Association not reimburse him until the latter part of the year when we can better determine what our financial situation will be.


The Texas State Pecan Queen Pageant


According to the last revision of the Pecan Queen Rules the next queen will be selected on poise, beauty and personality. There is a possibility of 25 girls attending representing the County Pecan Grower Associations of the state. It will be necessary for the respective County Associations to take care of all their candidate's expenses. The Texas Pecan Growers Association will need to supply an appropriate gift for each girl, flowers and a crown for the queen. The new queen could be used to represent the industry in many ways. She could appear at each of the Regional Pecan Shows and the State Fair. Since she would be representing the State Association, all of her expenses after being selected would be paid by the Association. Each girl participating in the Pageant should receive a $5 to $6 gift.


Pecan Show Committee Report


Chairman Hancock reported that the three Regional Pecan Shows in December 1966 fulfilled their purpose. They made possible more publicity than we have ever had before. The South Texas Regional Show was mentioned on WOAI on twelve successive days as an example of the type of publicity we received. 


Proposed times for the 1967 Regional Shows are as follows:


South Texas Show at either San Antonio or Austin --- December 11, 12, 13 

Central Texas Show at Fort Worth 

(in perhaps a different location from 1966) --- December 13, 14, 15

West Texas Regional Show at Abilene

(in perhaps a different location from 1966) --- December 18, 19, 20


The Committee suggested that a general chairman be selected for each show. The host county agent would be a different individual who would help with arrangements. Three sub-chairmen should be selected to serve as chairman for a specific day. General chairman suggestion for the South Texas Show is Gilbert Heideman; Central Texas Show, Keith Hillman; and West Texas Show, Robert Kensing. In reference to the awards presented in 1966, the Committee considered the state and regional awards to be acceptable and should be repeated in 1967. However, they recommended the Arrowhead for the County Award Program be discontinued and another selection made. It will be necessary for each county to properly fill out the Regional Exhibit Card to accompany the entries in the Regional Show. The pecans should reach the designated chairman in time prior to the show so that a certain amount of pre-entering can be done. The pecans will be sifted to make sure that those not suitable for display will be removed. B. B. Freeman and Raymond Davis suggested that all the pecans should be processed so that the grower will have data for pecans entered even though they might not subsequently be exhibited.


We have not had rules that would exclude out-of-state pecans from our previous shows. This year the EI Paso County Pecan Show was of real concern to many people. It was publicized as an International Pecan Show so the Committee feels that if it continues to wear this label and receive entries from many parts of the country that winning entries from the show should not be allowed to compete in Regional Shows. Plans will be made with the El Paso people to determine what their plans are for 1967 before judgment can be made upon their eligibility.


Each Regional Show should have judges from outside of the region where it is held. Each show should have three judges.


Gilbert Heideman suggested that we need an attractive brochure describing the advantages of membership in the Texas Pecan Growers Association to use in recruitment.


Tabb Harrell moved and B. B. Freeman seconded that the report of the Show Committee be adopted. Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

  1. Benton Storey


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