Pecan Research

Pecan Orchard Management Problems Related to Spraying 1958

Pecan Research
Bluefford G. Hancock, Extension Horticulturist Agricultural Extension Service A&M College of TexasThe commercial pecan grower of Texas is faced...

A Choice of Pecan Varieties for the Texas Gulf Coast Area 1958

Pecan Research
Everett Smith, Pecan Grower, Brazoria, Texas and J. M. Loveless, Pecan Broker, Rosharon, TexasThe Stuart pecan is the best general purpose pecan fo...

Moisture Loss From Pecans During Storage 1958

Pecan Research
Benton Storey, Department of Horticulture A&M College of Texas College Station, TexasPecans harvested early in the season contain a high percen...

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