Churches, schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and many other wonderful groups often find that additional funding is needed in order to continue to operate, fund a new project or enjoy a special event. Many times, these additional funds can be earned through a variety of fundraising options.
Forget about pushing over-priced wrapping paper, or trying to get people to buy a $16 frozen pizza. Why? There’s another option. With the ever growing popularity of pecans and the wide range of products now available, a pecan fundraiser may be just what your group needs to help fund their next project!
Earn Funds for Your School, Group or Troop with a Pecan Fundraiser
If you have children in school, then you are likely familiar with various fundraisers. There are countless types to choose from – from pizzas to candy, magazines and more. A pecan fundraiser is very similar in the fact that your group will be selling a physical product to the consumer. In this particular instance, the product would be pecans and pecan related products.
As with any fundraiser that you want to be successful, it is important to ensure that you have an array of quality products to offer your potential buyers. The popularity of pecans only continues to grow, and there are several different types of pecans, pecan candies and more now available; making them a wonderful fundraising option. So what is the next step? Make sure that you plan your fundraiser at least 12 weeks ahead of the holidays. This tends to be a great time for fundraisers, as people are gearing up for gift shopping and thinking about what treats they want to have available for their guests.
Like other fundraisers, a small catalogue of the pecan products available will be provided to each of your group members to help aid in sales. The catalogue will provide brief descriptions of each of the available products, images and price points for each. Simply present the catalogue to family, friends, neighbors and colleagues and ask if they would be interested in supporting your group by making a purchase. Just a fair warning: pecans do tend to sell themselves, so don’t be surprised if the order forms come back full!
Order forms are also included and will serve as a guide throughout the order, collection and delivery process. Once the pre-defined ordering period has ended, simply collect the forms and funds and send them off for processing and order fulfillment. Your group will receive the agreed upon commissions for your efforts once your orders and payment have been processed.
Pecans are a Great Selling Point
Pecans are one of the healthiest nuts in the world, and may very well be considered the world’s next superfood. Yes, really!
You’re probably used to seeing them covered in caramel and dipped in chocolate, baked into a super- sweet pie, or candied. However, when right from the shell, they are pretty darn amazing. In fact, you can actually obtain 10% of your recommended daily dietary fiber, 19 vitamins and minerals, and a nice dose of antioxidants, too! If that’s not enough, the delicious, buttery-sweet flavor of a Texas pecan is practically unbeatable. If you have yet to try a 100% Texas pecan, prepare yourself, because you’re about to fall in love.
These Texas pecan fundraiser products also make amazing gift ideas. Almost everyone loves pecan pies and candies. Of course, consumers can also purchase pecan halves and pieces that are just perfect for bakers. Bake them into your favorite desserts, create pecan meal to use in place of corn meal when breading fish, or toss a handful onto a bed of greens for added flavor and nutrients. There are so many ways to enjoy pecans!
Pecan Fundraisers are a Great Choice
As you can see, holding a great fundraiser for your school or group can be a delicious success. Because pecans are so popular and make great gift ideas, they tend to sell quite well. Texas pecans are also a wonderful product that your friends, family and colleagues will look forward to buying again and again.
Earn some money for your school or group’s next adventure today with a pecan fundraiser!