Pecan Nutrition

Are Pecans as Healthy as Walnuts?

Pecan Nutrition
The mighty walnut, with its buttery yet sharp and earthy flavor touts itself as the victor of all tree nuts in the health world with regards to its nutritional profile. Its wrinkly, rough, and cranium-resembling exterior helps it to make headlines as a natural supplement to a healthy, varied lifestyle. While all nuts offer varying yet uniquely beneficial vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients, walnuts are most similar to its sibling, the hearty pecan.

Are Pecans High in Carbs?

Pecan Nutrition
  Nuts are widely known for their healthy fats, but these delicious nuts which are enjoyed by most Americans during the holidays, be it roasted, ca...

Taking Advantage of Pecan Pieces

Pecan Nutrition
Pecans are a beautiful and simple way to enhance any recipe they contribute to with taste and visual garnishment. Fresh Grade 1 fancy pecans with their golden color and deep rich flavor profile, composed within each curve and crevice gives off a sought after embellishment when presented in your favorite dishes. Pecan pieces though are an overlooked extravagance that isn’t taken advantage of by enough people.

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