Pecan Nutrition

Sweet and Spicy Pecans

Pecan Nutrition
saying that opposites attract. And we are all familiar with the proven, time-tested pairs that so perfectly complement each other such as bread and...

7 Reasons to Go Nuts Over Pecans

Pecan Nutrition
Are pecans healthy? The bottom line is YES. Pecans are incredibly nutrient-dense, full of flavor, and loaded with health benefits. They are a good source of plant-based protein, rich in healthy fats, anti-inflammatory, and good for weight loss; reduce the risk of certain diseases; contain more than 19 vitamins and minerals; and so much more! This sweet nut is super satisfying and versatile, making it the perfect addition to your diet.

How To Lower Cholesterol?

Pecan Nutrition
Eating pecans is a tasty way to lower your cholesterol levels. While our body needs cholesterol to make certain hormones and aid digestion, too much circulating cholesterol can have negative impacts. High cholesterol levels put individuals at higher risk for hypertension, heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Thankfully, a balanced diet can help us control cholesterol levels and certain foods, like pecans, reduce cholesterol levels.

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