Why is my pecan pie soupy?

Why is my pecan pie soupy?

Pecan Recipes Blog

Imagine, you want to surprise your family with a homemade pecan pie, only to find the slices won’t hold. The center jiggles more than it’s supposed to. Why didn’t the filling set properly? If your pecan pie is still a little soupy, it simply means you need to bake it more. 


The center or filling of a pecan pie needs time to thicken and set properly. Here are several reasons why your pecan pie is too soupy or runny. 



  • Was the oven at the correct temperature? 


      • If the oven was too cool, this could result in the filling and bottom crust failing to bake through. 
      • Follow the recipe directions for the oven temperature, only decreasing it slightly. For example, if the recipe required 350 degrees Fahrenheit, you can go as low as 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Place it on the bottom rack of the oven and bake it for another 20 minutes, checking on it at the 10-minute mark. 


  • Did you remove it too soon? 


      • Sometimes the crust begins to darken and you think, “if I don’t take it out now, the crust will burn.” Here’s the thing though, if the filling and bottom crust are not fully baked, it will result in a delicious-looking outer crust, but a soupy pie. 
      • If you are worried about the crust, cover it with aluminum foil and place it back into the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until the filling is done. 


  • Did you let it set? 


      • If you are sure it is done and you want to cut into it while it’s fresh out of the oven, just remember the filling is still setting. 
      • Allow the pie to completely set and cool down before you slice it, otherwise, you will be enjoying a juicier pecan pie than expected. 


  • Is the bottom crust soggy? 


      • Nothing is worse than a soupy pecan pie with a soggy crust. If you want to avoid a soggy crust altogether, then consider pre-baking the crust before putting the pie filling in. 
      • Simply place the parchment paper on the pie crust and use weights to prevent the crust from rising and bubbling. Preheat the oven to around 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Place it on a cookie sheet in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the edges of the crust are a golden brown. Once it’s done, you can use a fork to poke holes all over the bottom of it. 
      • Go that extra mile and brush a layer of beaten egg over the bottom of the crust. This helps create a seal between the crust and filling, which means no soggy bottom. Bake it for around 10 to 15 minutes and allow it to cool down before filling it. 


  • Is the crust underbaked? 


    • Failing to bake your pie at a high enough temperature could result in a raw, soggy crust. Because it was not baked at a high enough temperature, the butter in the crust begins to melt into the dough. 
    • To avoid this, always start your pecan pie at a high enough temperature, such as 425 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. You can lower the temperature to around 350 degrees Fahrenheit after the first half-hour, or 30 minutes. 
    • It is done when you notice the pecan filling is bubbling and the pie is browned. 


A soupy pecan pie filling can be fixed by covering the crust in foil and popping it back into the oven at around 325 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Do not wait too long after you notice the filling isn’t set. If you do, the bottom of the crust could begin to get soggy. Knowing when your pecan pie is done is only half the battle. Following the precise measurements and recipe is equally important. 


Additional tips for preventing a pecan pie that is too runny include: toasting the pecans, properly folding the pecans into the filling, and baking a cold pie. Toasting the pecans helps intensify the nutty flavor while keeping them crisp. Folding the pecans into the filling means you should make sure nothing is poking out. This will prevent any pecans from burning while making it easier to set in the filling. Most recipes for pecan pie or any pie call for the dough and some of the ingredients to remain chilled. Using a warm crust or warm ingredients could cause the butter to soften during the process, which could contribute to a soggy crust. For a flaky crust, try chilling your pie for 10 to 15 minutes in the refrigerator before popping it into the oven. This step will help prevent a soggy bottom crust. 


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