Pecan Recipes

Toasted Oat and Pecan Smoothie

Pecan Recipes
Pecans take center stage in this smoothie recipe along with oats, hints of banana, cinnamon, maple and vanilla for a nutritious, protein-packed treat that will start your morning off right.

Pecan Super Seed Crumble Overnight Oats

Pecan Recipes
A nutritious grab-and-go breakfast will guarantee you start the day off right. Prep overnight oats the night before and always have a batch of pecan super seed crumble on hand for an easy morning meal. Add peaches or fruit of your choice, if you’d like. Pecan Crumble can also be topped on yogurt or oatmeal.

Extra Sticky Maple Pecan Sticky Buns

Pecan Recipes
Celebrate one of the season’s best pairs with this dish – maple and pecans. Decadent and flavorful, these extra sticky maple pecan sticky buns are made with a soft and fluffy homemade bread dough, swirled with cinnamon sugar, and baked with a maple pecan “sticky” sauce that’s impossible to resist.

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