Pecan Recipes

Pecan Chicken Meatballs

Pecan Recipes
These pecan chicken meatballs pack a lot of flavor and can be served alongside a dipping sauce for an appetizer or over your favorite pasta as an easy weeknight main the whole family will love.

Squash, Pecan and Sausage Stuffing

Pecan Recipes
Naturally sweet pecans, Italian sausage and fall squash add rich flavors and textures to this herbed stuffing recipe. This unique twist on a traditional dish is sure to be a hit at your holiday table.

Brown-Sugar, Maple, and Pecan Pound Cake

Pecan Recipes
This loaf gets its lift from the thorough beating of the butter and sugar (a full eight minutes) and eggs instead of leavening such as baking powder or baking soda.

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