Pecan Recipes

Coconut Pecan Energy Balls

Pecan Recipes
These grain-free, paleo-friendly energy balls are perfect for an on-the-go snack and no baking required! Simply combine the ingredients and store in the fridge for a nutritious bite made in under 10 minutes.

Maple Pecan Superfood Bark

Pecan Recipes
This superfood bark is made with dark chocolate and topped with crispy, crunchy, maple glazed pecans and dried cranberries that are spiced with black pepper, cinnamon, orange zest, and vanilla. Broken into pieces, this bark makes a fantastic treat for an on-the-go snack, a holiday party or given as an edible gift.

Pecan Deviled Eggs

Pecan Recipes
Add a naturally sweet crunch to this classic appetizer dish. Serve it as a nutritious finger food for a spring gathering.

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